Consultancy Services/National/Uganda

Kampala, Central Region, Uganda | Uganda | Full-time

Apply by: Oct. 29, 2024


Training of LWF senior Staff on Partnership Management


LWF Uganda has been operating in Uganda since 1979, supporting communities in need of humanitarian and development assistance. Currently, LWF has operational sub program offices in 8 districts in Uganda though these offices provide extension services to a combined total of 17 districts. LWF is among the lead agencies in refugee response responsible for implementation of the comprehensive refugee response framework although it maintains a significant footprint in development work. LWF has had interventions in in all parts of the country and the current strategy covers three strategic pillars; Livelihood, protection and social cohesion and quality services.

Currently, LWF Uganda is managing 9 local partners who are directly implementing project for and on behalf of LWF and its international partners. Though LWF Uganda has numerous local partners, it maintains a significant proportion of direct implementation because the existing partners lack capacity to take on everything yet LWF itself lack capacity to manage a larger number of local partners. This coupled with the continued expectation that LWF upholds its integral values of accountability and transparency in the process of localisation and local capacity enhancement, a need for training senior staff on partnership management has arisen. The approach to address the increasingly complex and changing partnership dynamics is to adopt context specific skills and develop them in such a way that LWF and its partners can form strong mutual partnerships, remain fully accountable and at the same time have the local partners take centre stage in program implementation and management.

 It is against this background that it has become imperative to enhance the capacity of senior staff with the skills required to manage local partners and key stakeholders during formal engagements on projects and programs. Accordingly, LWF Uganda is looking for a service provider (a facilitator) to design and deliver training in impactful partner management for staff whose positions prescribe this responsibility. The training is aimed at equipping staff with the skills to manage, nurture and build capacity of local partners in their areas of jurisdiction



This practical, interactive training is to equip senior staff with the skills to successfully manage, nurture and build capacity of local partners. The training is expected to introduce senior staff to the concepts and principles of partnership management and partner capacity enhancement. 



The training will target senor staff within Country program.  They include Sub program managers and their supervisors, project focal persons at country HQ level and their supervisors, sub program accountants and their supervisors, administrators, M&E officers and their supervisors.



This training is expected to explore how modern partnership modalities can effectively address seemingly obstinate operational misunderstandings and conflicts, and overcome barriers to successful execution of partnership agreements. Drawing on in-depth cases studies, the training should develop diagnostic and prescriptive characteristics of effective partnership management, amidst heightened accountability standards. The training should pay close attention to the "how" of local partner capacity enhancement. How does staff support local partners to plan, implement and report, and yet remain independent entities to LWF? How can staff most effectively use negotiation, and how can these negotiation tools overcome daunting barriers to desired execution of partnership agreements? To advance these objectives, the training should draw on case studies about the most successful local partnerships and their most challenging situations. The facilitator is expected to trigger discussion and debate where participants will draw out key lessons from their experiences from the existing partnerships so far. This training should help participants to develop and practice partner management skills critical to success of localisation in LWF Uganda as a locally rooted international organization.  The training is expected to enable participants to manage their partners in the sub programs using a “win-win approach.” Therefore, the facilitator should include all the basic concepts and best international practices necessary to achieve the stated objective of this training. 



The training service provider is expected to provide on-site training to senior staff on partnership management with special focus on local partners. At the end of the training session, the participants should be equipped with partner management skills as stated in the terms of reference. The following deliverables are required under this assignment:  a) A developed training program which includes highlights of Pre-training assessment b) A well-designed and developed training module c) Enhance knowledge of staff with respect to the training topic d) post-training report with actionable recommendations to management, not later than two (02) weeks upon completion of the training. Please note that the recommendations made here can be potentially be replicated in other country programs.



Four (4) man-days are expected to be used for this assignment (1 day for pre-training preparations, 2 days for the training and 1 day for report preparation). The assignment is expected to be carried out tentatively in the second week in November, 2024. 



The training will be held as a boardroom workshop at the LWF Country offices in Kampala.



The facilitator is expected to undertake the assignment with the highest standards of professional and ethical considerations, competence, and integrity. He/she is expected to deliver the outputs most effectively and efficiently within the assignment period. 



The facilitator will report to the Head of Program through the Support Services Coordinator who at the same time is the overall head of human resources and administration


The applicant can apply as a company or an individual but the assigned facilitator must possess:

·        At least a Master’s degree in development, economics, management, law, accounting on any other related discipline, specialized skills in advocacy, partnership management, organisational development etc.

·        Must have a minimum of 10 years of related experience.

·        Excellent English language skill is mandatory.

·        The trainer is expected to have practical experience in organizing and delivering training courses on partnership management and Negotiation skills and have a background in organisational capacity development.

·        The trainer must have a track record of delivering similar courses for similar large international organizations



A technical and financial proposal based on the Terms of Reference outlined above must be submitted. The proposal must outline the facilitator’s proposed methodologies, references related to the execution of similar contracts, experience in similar areas, or evidence of knowledge and a proposed timeline. The proposal must also include the facilitator’s CV. Interested facilitators may obtain further information at the address below during office hours 0800 to 1700 hours. Submission of a proposal on the assignment must be delivered to the address below on or before Friday, 23<sup>rd</sup> October 2024 to:

 The Chairperson Tender committee, LWF Uganda through email:


The Request for Proposal is to be found on the link under Open tender for services.